Andriy Kostynskyi

Andriy Kostynskyi was born in Kharkiv. He graduated from the Law Academy of Ukraine and the Department of Philosophy of Kharkiv National University. Andriy’s poems and translations were published in the magazines and anthologies: „Herald of Europe“, „נקודתיים“, „Articulation“, „Red Times“, „Point of View“, „128lit“, „ROAR“, „Poémame“, „Berezil“, „Glass of Time“, „Graphite“, „Topos“, „Chestnut House“, „Word Slovo“, „Adab_e_Latif“, „Language of Silence“, „Air Alarm“, „NO WAR – POETS AGAINST WAR“, „KOŃCA ŚWIATA NIE BĘDZIE“ , „Ο ΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ ΕΡΧΟΤΑΝ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟ ΜΕΡΟΣ ΜΟΥ ΠΕΤΩΝΤΑΣ“, etc.
Author of the books „Arrhythmia“ (2009), „Iogol“ (2012), „Dawn Rehearsal“ (2019), „Ll“ (2021), etc.
His poems have been translated into English, Armenian, Bengali, Vietnamese, Greek, Spanish, Chinese, Polish, Urdu, Hebrew, etc.