Welcome to our FAQs. It's a work-in-progress, so feel free to send questions you'd like to see answered.
We ask for your understanding that at the beginning we try to make a selection that particularly reflects the diverse, manifold spectrum of Belarusian and Ukrainian authors and their themes.
We are already in contact with a number of colleagues from the respective national authors' communities. However, you are also welcome to contact us if you do not belong to any of the national chapters.
Please get in touch with Alena Makouskaya, Project Manager and Aliaksandra Dvaretskaya, Project Assistant under contact@freeallwords.org to learn more about requirements, fees and conditions.
We will launch a call through the EWC and CEATL associations to those translators who translate from Belarusian and Ukrainian and neighboring languages into their native language. However, literary translators who are not members of an association are also welcome to register and be listed in the overview of authors and translators.
Please get in touch with get in touch with Alena Makouskaya, Project Manager and Aliaksandra Dvaretskaya, Project Assistant under contact@freeallwords.org to learn more about requirements, fees and conditions.
Please write to contact@freeallwords.org. Indicate, for what purpose you would like to publish a text and in which language, so we can provide you with further information.
When the project is established and set up, we will develop also options to donate smaller amounts. Please check this site again within some weeks.